Sometimes I thought I could fly
But the bars on our porch held me in
They wanted to keep me safe
Where were they when I was with him?
We were alone, no supervision
He could do with me as he pleased
Then clean me up, send me back to them
After he took care of his needs
It wasn't like they never considered
That someone might try to hurt me
They chaperoned others, but with him
They thought there was no possibility
And that hurts more than if they'd been
Blinded to child sex abuse
They knew it could happen, yet didn't keep watch
They were blinded to the truth
Somehow that twists a knife in my soul --
Even they thought he was a good guy
Since he made the choice to rape me,
Exactly what was I?
I follow that thought to its ending
And it's not a messed-up family
It pains me to say, but there's no other way
It's a messed-up me