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You stripped away my chance
to live a happy, normal life
the first time that
you put your hands on me.
Your concern for me was touching,
you son of a bitch,
an act that even blind people should see.
I relive every fucking minute
of sight and smell and sound.
Your skin on mine disgusts me in 3D.
And no matter what, there is
no refuge to be found,
even though I work hard to be free.
Because of you I had a secret,
very hard to bear,
that gave birth to shame and guilt today.
But you know what, you bastard?
I no longer care.
I'll say it loudly,
Get out of my way!
I have a voice,
and though at times, it's hard to talk about,
I'm becoming more vocal all the time.
My pen is mighty,
And the truth will be screamed out.
My life's no longer yours,
It's finally mine!

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