Memorial Day Picnic
I struggle to understand
How you can look them in their eyes
And play the role of innocent
Though we both know it's a lie
You have everyone believing
You're only full of light
That as a full-time preacher
You're on the side of right
At family get-togethers
You can do no wrong
You act like you're a stand-up guy
No reason to have qualms
But if you'd really changed
From the monster that you were
Shouldn't you have thought
"I must apologize to her"?
To ME! For stealing innocence!
Shouldn't you first try
To acknowledge you hurt ME
You made me want to die
Without caring to do that
How sorry can you be?
I think you're glad you weren't caught
Happy you're still free
I'm so angry right now that
I have no words to say
My family's constant loving you
Just blows me away
But why not? That's on me
What else would they do?
I never opened up
They don't know the truth
They listen to the lies you say
Believe the things you claim
And you're not offering to add
Rapist to your name
No more victim, I'm tired of that
I'm standing on my own
You need to get out of my head
And leave this girl alone