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A cacophony of sound shatters the night sky
With erupting hues of yellows, oranges, reds.
Stars explode in scorching flames of violet and of blue.
The moonlit world no longer black and white.
I struggle to make sense of fractured memories,
Kaleidoscopes of broken shapes and colors
That twist and twirl boldly to a silent, pounding beat,
As the music highlights dissonance in me.
Belief and doubt can't coexist, but somehow they do
In fragments of a past I keep reliving.
Tiny shards dance in flashes where I cannot breathe.
They lead me to deny the things I see.
Remembrances can cause fresh wounds, especially when unbidden,
In patterns of exploding stars that crack the deepest night.
Colors whirl within my mind to a distant tune,
A kaleidoscope of what was left behind.

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