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Dial 'R' For Rape

My hands shake as I dial my phone
When it rings, will you pick up the call?
Or, seeing that it's me, will you run away?
Pretend you heard nothing at all
Did you think I'd forgotten? Or just hope
The details, blurred in my head,
Were things I'd keep quiet all my life,
Not telling until you were dead
But you raped me, YOU RAPED ME, with no fear
When I was only 5
For three long years I did whatever I had to
In my struggle to survive
There are so many questions that I have
Answers for you to share
Maybe the one that matters most
Is did you ever care?
But even as I think this, I know
Your answer wouldn't be true
There's no escaping that one fact
I meant nothing to you
You used my body because you could,
Thought you had won in the end
But you're not worth my time or this call
I close my phone, not pressing send

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