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Claim to Fame

I used to say molested,
was what you did to me.
Picked a word so far removed
from actuality.
Description made it seem okay,
on how you treated me.
It didn't make me feel too sad
or lost, emotionally.

Until I couldn't slight your acts
quite so easily.
I had to find a new word,
for what you did to me.
So I learned to admit,
that I'd suffered abuse.
I'd been in situations
where my body had been used.
But I'd come through, recovered, it was in my past now.
I'd survived and wholly mended
Or so I thought, somehow.

Creeping thoughts like spiders,
crawled o'er my brain one day.
I realized that I must speak
the truth of being raped.
Not molested, not abused,
raped was the real word.
To describe the terror
and the pain of being hurt.

So not molester, not abuser,
rapist is your name
For it appears to be in life,
your biggest
claim to fame.

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